2022, Fall
Making the Business Case for Sustainability
Sustianaiblity Focus:
Food Waste
Tackle pressing world problems requires big thinking and a solid business plan. If measured as a country, food waste would be the third largest emitter behind the US and China1. There needs to be more holistic education around food waste, food insecurity, and the roles they plan within our more extensive food system. Through a series of design thinking exercises, and market research, the idea of a consumer-food waste education non-profit emerged through the creativity of a business model canvas.
1] Kirsten Jaglo, Shannon Kenny, and Jenny Stephenson, “From Farm to Kitchen: The Environmental Impacts of U.S. Food Waste
Food Waste
Tackle pressing world problems requires big thinking and a solid business plan. If measured as a country, food waste would be the third largest emitter behind the US and China1. There needs to be more holistic education around food waste, food insecurity, and the roles they plan within our more extensive food system. Through a series of design thinking exercises, and market research, the idea of a consumer-food waste education non-profit emerged through the creativity of a business model canvas.
1] Kirsten Jaglo, Shannon Kenny, and Jenny Stephenson, “From Farm to Kitchen: The Environmental Impacts of U.S. Food Waste